Day 3, and think the scene has been set for most of these stories, now we'll be getting into the meat of them. Well, that's what I hope!
Prog 3
12 March 1977
With Flesh right on the cover, I can already see this is an issue I'm going to like - I love seeing Cowboys getting eaten by Dinosaurs just as much as the next guy.
But before I get to indulge in that particular fetish there is the small matter of Invasion. It's very early days, but this is by far my favourite story at the moment. This week Bill Savage meets the resistance and by the end of the episode joins them. There are plenty of savage lines (sorry) and some exciting fighting scenes, but what I'm enjoying most is the art. I'll admit, I haven't gone back and done my research into who the artist is, but I intend to do so very soon. Look at the two panels here, we have a ferocity of the Volgans captured wonderfully on his face, while later in the episode we first meet Bill Savage here with the calmest expression, all cool and ready for battle. You can see by the hardened expression on his face that he means business. As long as the art is this good, this will continue to be my favourite story.
Rating: 6/10
Best line: "It's extermination time - an I ain't talking about bed bugs!"
It doesn't feel like much happens in Flesh this week, although several large pictures of Dinosaurs fill out the story pretty fast. The first panels showing the Ranger fighting with the dinosaur are impressive, and it's repeated again soon after as another Ranger comes up against the dinosaur. It looks as though the monster has been defeated, but we have a cliffhanger of old one eye getting back to its feet and staggering off for revenge. I did enjoy the large panels and fights, but it left me a little cold this week - although I do look forward to seeing old one eye seeking revenge.
Rating: 4/10
Best line: "Ahhh! Ain't seen a Tyrannosaur that big before!"
The rough and tumble world of Harlem Heroes isn't quite living up to my expectation. This week the cobbled together squad of rookies and veterans takes on Baltimore, and most of the action focuses on the rookie Zack. It does initially follow the same sporting-type story I have read elsewhere, and it's only in the final panels as Zack's jet pack is smashed and he heads earthward do I feel engaged. However, the story is elevated by the artwork, and even if the story doesn't always hold my attention there are still some great visuals.
Rating: 4.5/10
Best line: "Boys in Blue? Holy Moses Giant..ya didn't tell me we'd be playing cops!"
The opening panels of the Dan Dare story are the best part of it this issue. The Jupiter monster they are fighting looks great, but I am deflated when Dan Dare defeats it by grabbing its horns. It all feels a little weak to me. The ending with the spaceship flying into a radio storm feels rushed, a cliffhanger that's only there to get us to the next part of a developing story. Par for the course, but I don't feel the story moved much this week.
Rating: 4/10
Best line: "Not that strange, Commander! Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?"
Thargs message has me jolly pleased that I don't work as a subeditor at 2000 A.D. but I do enjoy seeing the subeditor shot with a disintegrator. It's something that I have often fantasized about myself.
OK, so this is only the third issue, but I'm going to say it -I'm not fussed on MACH 1. Today I realised what it is, MACH 1 is basically just a superhero under a different guise. No spandex, it's true, but with his strength, speed, and fighting ability, he is a less colorful Marvel/DC superhero knock-off. Substitute his computer acupuncture for radiation and he neatly fits a number of superheroes from the 1960s. This week a sunken NATO ship sees him battling Eastern forces for salvage. Several fights later, and some 2nd-degree burns, he emerges victorious. It is the final lines of the story that makes me think that this might be worth sticking with - "If ever MACH 1 turns against us, God help us." I wonder if there is a heel turn coming in the future for Mr John Probe.
Rating: 3.5/10
Best line: "I stamp on you like an insect, British Spy"
I kept misreading Lawmaster in Judge Dredd as Lawnmaster, which sounds like some sort of expensive lawnmower. Hopefully, my mind will forget this soon, and I can go back to reading it normally. The story itself was straightforward but had several fun moments. The villain changed his face to avoid detection, but Judge Dredd recognizes his voice and delivers retribution. Plenty of great art from Carlos to appreciate here, and it's hard to choose my favorite panel. However, I think the one below will be the one that sticks in my mind until I read the next issue.
Rating: 5/10
Best line: "The law can show mercy too! Speak?"
Prog 3 final ratings:
Overall: 5/10
Best Story: Invasion
Best Line: "Annoyed!"
Best Panel: